SharePoint 2010 has Task list template which can be used to track project work. The task list can be used to create task, assign task and track the task completion. When a project starts, it can be divided into various stages/tasks and each task can be assigned to a person with start and end dates. Each task may have sub-tasks also. A project is a collection of all the tasks, sub-tasks required to attain the output. The output can be a completed product, end-service etc.
To create a project task list in SharePoint site, click on Site Actions, then click on View All Site Content and click Create. Click on List and select Project Tasks. Enter the Name for the project task list. Once the list is created, the user or manager can enter the task in the list. A task usually contains the Task Name, Start date, End date and Task Status.
If the projects is done in various phases and there are inter-dependence between the phases, larger tasks for each phase, can be created. The larger tasks known as Summary tasks help in providing a high-level view of the project. To create summary tasks, on the Items tab, in the New group, click the arrow on New Item, and then click Summary Task. Enter the Name, Predecessors, Priority, Task Status, % complete, Assigned To, Description, Start date and Due date. The predecessors can be any one or more summary task or sub-task , that has to be completed before the task can begin.
Microsoft Project 2010 is a tool that can provide more functionality to manage the people, work and cost. Project 2010 has a scheduling engine that helps to automate task scheduling, taking into account things like when people are available to work, how much time they spend on other tasks, what are the holidays and work hours of the organization and much more. This would help managers to track the work done by the employees, how much time is being spend on each task and how things can be organized to meet the business goals. Microsoft Project 2010 can be synced with the Task list in SharePoint 2010. To sync the data with task list in SharePoint, enter the url in the Site Url field and then click on Validate. Select a task list and then click on sync. Once the two lists are synced, changes made to one list reflect on the other list.
SharePoint 2010 can be used as a project planning and management tool with Project task list and its features like workflow, calendar integration with outlook etc. SharePoint 2010 can be used along with Project 2010 to plan a big, complex project with many inter-dependent tasks and sub-tasks.
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